I’ve been doing my version of this in one way or another since I can remember. I’ve done a lot of that, and some of the other thing, but most if not all of my decisions have centered around this. Through the years I’ve realized that nothing is more valuable than daily practice. There are no short cuts. There is no way to be great without first being good, and the only way to being good is doing it everyday. Some days nothing can go wrong, ideas and execution come easily. Those days are few and far between. Most days I labor to add a new word to the vocabulary and at the same time try not to forget what I all ready know. It is all part of the process, learning that if today didn’t go well tomorrow might, and if it doesn’t, the day after that should.It doesn’t matter that sometimes it feels like I’m not getting anywhere, it’s not my job to judge that. It’s my job to focus on this.
Mike Auldridge is one of the greatest musicians that has ever lived, paraphrasing a quote of his "There is only one thing that separates the great players from the not so great, and then the non- players. It is simple…the thought of quitting was not an option.”
Daily Practice...
Right now I’m listening to: Luke Doucet
If you’re ever in –Lubbock- visit- La Diosa